CMTE F: Personalized Listening and Music Therapy: Developing the Music & Memory Opportunity
WHEN: November 10, 2016, 7:30 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m.
TOPIC: This session is designed to fully prepare music therapists to develop or work with the development of Music & Memory programs in their geographical areas of professional practice. Information will be provided on the relationship and mutual support available between music therapy and M&M programming. Resources that are being developed to assist with program understanding and implementation will be described and demonstrated. Concerns regarding M&M protocols and practices will be addressed as will practical solutions.
PRESENTERS: All presenters are officially appointed members of the AMTA Music & Memory Workgroup including the current AMTA president who chaired the group until the beginning of her presidency in January of this year, including: Jennifer Geiger, MA, MT-BC; Erin Spring, MM, MT-BC; Regina Dennis, MT-BC; Leslie Henry, MMT, MT-BC; Emily Christensen, SCMT, MT-BC; Barbara Reuer, PhD, LPMT, MT-BC; Dale Taylor, PhD, MT-BC.
CONTENT: This CMTE is different from past presentations on the topic of Music & Memory in that those sessions were intended to inform about M&M itself and to gather information about concerns and individual experiences. This 2016 CMTE is a training vehicle specifically designed to prepare music therapists to go out to their areas and more effectively use M&M programming where appropriate, serve as consultants to M&M programs in their areas, and make informed responses to concerning situations regarding M&M programming.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: All music therapists who have experience with M&M programming, who are encountering M&M programming at their work sites, and who have concerns for which they are seeking solutions should attend and greatly upgrade their professional competence through this seminar.
TO REGISTER FOR CMTE F: Personalized Listening and Music Therapy: Developing The Music & Memory Opportunity click here.