AMTA conference can not only be educational, but a lot of fun and this year is no exception!  This week we are sharing some of our top reasons to attend #AMTA16 conference.  We invite you to join us on TwitterFacebookInstagram and Pinterest and shout out your top reasons for attending with the hashtag #reasonstoattendAMTA16.  Here’s today’s reason:


Connecting with music therapy friends and colleagues from around the world at conference not only makes #AMTA16 like a mini “MT Reunion” but it’s refreshing, encouraging and just plain fun to visit with, make music with MT’s you don’t get to connect with in person save for conference.  And this goes for students too!  Don’t have your “MT Tribe” yet?!  Then come to conference and create one!  You won’t regret it.

Who are YOU excited to connect with at #AMTA16 this year?! Sound off in the comments.

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